The playground bumper car for sale is a famous children's mechanical amusement ride. It is also a kiddie car. We usually call it a bumper car, bumperm cars in British, dashing cars and on. It mainly consists of bumper car, bumper car building, bumper car floor picking system, control box, erc and other parts. The bumper car's building is made up of a hot-dip galvanized steel frame and a large number of flashes. Carnee offers a large variety of bumper cars in China and is a professional bumper cars manufacturer.

Classification of Fairground Bumper Cars
As a professional bumper cars manufacturer in China, we have many kinds fairground bumper cars sale in good quality. Here are some classification of Carnee fairground rides bumper cars.
1. Electric bumper cars for sale. The first bumper car was built using a special power system as an electric playground. There are two main types of electric playground bumper cars, ceiling grid playground bumper cars and ground grid playground bumper cars. The ground grid bumper car is powered by a special conductive floor. If you want to buy an electric playground bumper car, you must buy a bumper car floor. Like the ground grid playground bumper car, the ceiling grid bumper car also needs a special ceiling to supply power.
2. Battery-powered bumper cars for sale. The new playground battery bumper car from Carnee rides is on sale. This bumper car has an autonomous power system and an intelligent control system. It is easier and safer than the electric bumper cars in the playground. This is a good choice for you to prepare this amusement park in your park. The cost of the Carnee battery bumper car playground is lower than that of electric cars. Because this bumper car can use a non-conductive floor.
3. Inflatable bumper cars for sale. Carnee has an inflatable playground bumper car for sale. Like the Battery Bumper Playground, most inflatable bumper cars are built with a separate powertrain. When you play, you can not only hit others, but also spin when you buy.
Features of Carnee Fairground Bumper Cars
Whether the electric ones or the battery ones, Carnee always manufactures and sells our products with safety in mind. The vehicles, ceilings, and floors are built with great carefulness to ensure that every part is safe enough for riders as well as operators.
1. Material quality. In order to make the bumper cars durable and ensure that they can withstand the impact of collisions, each bumper car uses high quality materials. As for the body of the bumper racing car, it is usually made of fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP). In order to prolong and disperse the effects and strength of collisions,Playground bumper cars sold from Carnee are usually made of aerated materials such as rubber or PVC. Different themes and colors. Caironne constantly strives to provide the best service for your needs, so Kano offers you a variety of options, even tailored to your specific needs.
2. LED lights. How to promote your bumper car? Flashing lights are a genius way to do this. Under the illumination of LED lights, the playground bumper cars sold by Carnee can certainly attract a large number of passengers to your park and entertainment center.
3. Easy to maintain. Thanks to the use of high-quality materials and safe operating parts, the carnee playground bumper car sales are easy to maintain, which in turn reduces your maintenance and operating costs.
4. Highly interactive. The bumper cars sold at Carnee are highly interactive. Your guests can choose a car they like, sitting behind the wheel or lever, they can spin, turn and collide with each other. Bumper cars guarantee great fun for friends and family.
Great returns. In light of all the advantages above, bumper cars are great addition to your entertainment centers, drawing great amount of people and tempting them to ride once more. All this can make you generate more money for you.
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